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The Bandwagon Effect?

Ever been a staunch follower of or believer in something and felt like the only one, then once a celebrity or a certain group of people take it up everyone takes notice and all of a sudden it's a thing?? Yea, me too.

Nothing wrong with it. I just feel like most of us do or say certain things just to fit in... The want for acceptance causes people to do all sorts of things they normally wouldn't.... The bandwagon effect. But why?? Why conform to certain ideas and beliefs so you can be accepted? Why not associate yourself with people like yourself with whom you can be comfortable with being you.
Social media today has made people's desire to fit in more evident as I see certain words, phrases and topics trending. Once a group of people like a certain artist, or song or show or say certain things, it tends to explode into everyone liking it... Causing me to wonder if no one out of all the many millions of users on these sites has a different opinion on things?? *sigh*

Conformity is such a sad disease.

But then again, I understand how as humans we have a need to be accepted by our peers while some of us are faced with insecurities that cause us to seek validation from strangers.
I just hope we can move away from this and feel free enough to express our views and be ourselves without having to worry about being bashed by society and labeled as an outcast in a world where being true to oneself is feared and frowned upon


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