Sooo... everyone has something they get their high from or at least I think so. Except some people have very weird ones. Others are so grim it's scary.... Or maybe I'm just uber sensitive but mmm no. I'd much rather not know some of these things but *sigh* serves me right for watching all those odd and scary shows on t.v which honestly aren't that scary but i'm very paranoid and filled with fear that if i left my shoe on the floor and someone else puts it in my closet without me knowing I'd swear so hard some supernatural being put it there. Yea yea yea I know, silly! And an easy target for pranks.
Okay, I'm straying, this is supposed to be about my source of high
Okay, I'm straying, this is supposed to be about my source of high
Piercings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol not so exciting I know. Anyway, I love love love 'em. Just not ballsy enough to get all the ones I'd like, like the septum piercing or belly ring or back dimple piercings and facial piercings like the ones above the lip or beside my nose or on my eyebrow (I could get that one but I have a mole so that spot's taken) umm nipple piercings, an ear full of piercings, one on my bottom lip, one where where only God and I would know *inhales deeply* woo that's a lot but I want 'em all! There's an exhilarating feeling I get when the metal of the stud pierces right through me. Just that sting of pain. That's my high.
And now.... pictures! *moonwalks to my gallery* lol no? okay.... no pictures
only pic I have showing 'em off... 7 down and a lifetime to poke more holes into my skin (hence the title... lol)
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