Hello :) (yea still can’t use emojis on here) anyway remember the complaints about school? And can you blame me, two indefinite closures, several go slows and class boycotts, I was mentally disrupted, lost focus but… **drumroll**… I managed to go on to my next year so woop woop *backflips* *moonwalks* and…..*jazz hands* lol okay I’m done. So, it was midnight, everyone in the house had gone to sleep, I’m a night owl so was watching t.v scrolling through channels trying to find something to watch when I saw ‘Nkani yamu sisi’ I like the show so I tuned in and the topic of discussion interested me so here we are… celibacy. First things first, what is to be celibate? Simply refraining from sex/sexual activity and/or marriage. Various people have different reasons for deciding to become celibate. Maybe after having had sex one decides to change for religious purposes or maybe they’ve just had enough or they’re tired of feeling like sex objects or just taking a break, there are several r...