Thought it was time for an update on the He Can Get It post... and so here goes: I had talked about the repulsion effect in that post... and had been thinking heavily about it. About how we tend to love the people that hate and hurt us or the ones we would never have a chance with. You know, the guys that make plans with you and you go all out to get ready. The perfect outfit, face beat, hair did and smelling good and then *ring-ring* he can't make it, all or most times but because you're so into him you keep putting up with it. Or the guys we're willing to lay it all for because we think we've found "the one" but he cheats and betrays your trust more than you know but when you find out, you forgive him because you love him. Then there's the guy that has you feeling all kinds of good. The almost perfect guy that knows just what to say to get you hooked and high on him. He's fun and exciting.... and in a relationship. You know you shouldn't ...